Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy

The aim of long term psychoanalytic psychotherapy is personal growth. In short, his therapy can be summarised as follows:

    • Development: people can develop and adapt to the problems of life. Every individual is on a growth trajectory that may move between extreme dependence and helplessness, on the one hand, and extreme independence and self-reliance on the other. Personal growth is about knowing where you are on the continuum and deciding if either extreme is in your best interest.
    • Self: as individuals we are capable of self-activating and acting in our own best interest. When you learn who you are as a person, you develop your own “brand” of you. You can decide how you want to live it.
    • Object-Relations: you relate to other people and the world around you in a similar way you relate to the people you “hold inside you.” Exploring and understanding this dynamic in therapy leaves you with more options to choose from in your self (see “development” and “self”).

He usually sees patients once or twice a week. More sessions can be arranged depending on the patient’s need and Gustaf’s availability.

Most medical aids limit their benefits for clinical psychologists. As the patient you are responsible to find out from your medical aid how many sessions they cover. Since long term psychotherapy requires a high level of commitment, you have to draw up a plan so that you can budget for continued therapy. Medical aids cover a specific amount of sessions for specific diagnoses.